Hey did you ever dreamt about playing a really bad test game that someone who started programing a game and now publishing his game?

Well you are in luck!  This is my first game and you can play it for free!



-This isn't really an instruction this is just a note

-You have only 30 seconds

-By killing the red enemy you earn 3 more seconds

-Enemy is being spawn every 2s

-You need to earn as many coins before the game end

-In order to run press LShift

-Press Escape in order to lock and hide the cursor so it won't leave the screen

-And by the way try not to fall off the world

-Enjoy and Good luck~


Additional information: this game was proggramed in c# and made in Unity3D

ik this game graphics aren't the best

i do not own all the sound / the images I used in the cover


why are you reading this go and play this game.


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